
Student: Hussein Naife
Collage: Health and Medical Technologies
Talent: Other Talents
Iraq champion 27 times for various age groups and multiple events. Iraq champion 19 times consequetivelly. Medals: 83 colored medals, including 6 international, 4 of which are gold.  Total gold medals: 31.  Record numbers: The Iraqi record for the junior category 2020, The fastest player in Iraq 2021, The international record for West of Asia for youth 2022, The top rank obtained by Iraq at the West Asian Youth Championship with the number of medals being 25 colored medals under my leadership of the Iraqi team.  Sports positions: Captain of the Iraqi national athletics team and a member of the Spoken Committee on behalf of the Federation for Abroad Championships.  Number of international participation: 13

2023 Dec 05
College of Engineering at Al-Ayen University.
Are you looking for a unique opportunity to study engineering?
Vacancies - College of Dentistry.
Dentistry at Al-Ayen Iraqi University announces the availability of a number of job degrees for holders of a master’s or doctorate degree in a number of the specializations below,
Vacancies - College of Engineering.
The College of Engineering at Al-Ayen Iraqi University announces job degrees for holders of master’s or doctoral degrees in a number of specializations below, provided that the applicant is not employed or contracted in any Iraqi governmental or private institution. Interested candidates who meet the conditions can apply through the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSenU2ijNza56PGWm6bz07ujmKiavFbk2KcZWAu1hcXejw7-xw/viewform
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