Speech of Honorable Chancellor of University for starting the final examinations

Prof. Dr, Shafik S, Shafik

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Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and may blessings and peace be upon the Noble Messenger, his pure Progeny, and his chosen, good companions.

 Respected professors and students of Al-Ayen Iraqi University, may the peace, blessings, and mercy of God be upon you.

 God Almighty said (We will not waste the reward of the one who does good deeds)

 Dear professors

 Many thanks, gratitude, appreciation, and respect to you for the teaching and academic effort you have made during this academic year. I can say that it was very good, as we have achieved over 80% of our plan that we had previously set for this year, and this is a creditable achievement for the university.

 My dears, as in my previous four years with you, I believe that exams are the honor of the university, so you and I are called upon to redouble the effort and complete perfect exams with all their details, God willing, and my advice to you is to preserve the honor of the university and also consider your students as your children, so I ask you to keep these two things in mind. You are preparing for the exams, and I believe in you and have great hope for your success.

 Dear students

Here we go with the challenge. Here, the fruits have begun for the knowledge you have sown that you have obtained from distinguished professors. It is time to return the favor to your family who have spared you nothing and your professors who see in you their success. My dear ones, today you are in a state of distress while there are brothers of yours in beloved, oppressed Palestine who have been deprived of even food. Therefore, your success is the most beautiful gift you can give them, and it is your support for their cause, which is our cause. Perhaps the discerning person with his mind will see that a new Hussein is slaughtered by the most evil people in our current era, and you see weakness of the support they are receiving and the people abandoning them. I sincerely call on you to come to their aid by achieving success, which is the prelude to a great victory. You prepare the necessary equipment for it, and you are armed with knowledge and believe in your cause. The basis of any victory is victory over the desires of the soul, subjugating it to what is in its best interest and supporting religion.

 Dear friends, let our motto be “We succeed for Palestine.”

 May God grant you success in what is best for you and make your exams easy, gentle, and easy, with His Almighty permission

 Peace, mercy, and blessings of God

 Prof. Dr. Shafik S. Shafik Chancellor of Al-Ayen Iraqi University in Dhi Qar

Speech of Honorable Chancellor of Al-Ayen University

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