Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Dr. Shafik S. Shafik

1- Degrees: BSc., MSc., and Phd in Nuclear and Radiological Physics from the Dept of Physics/ College of Science/ Uni. of Baghdad and obtained a Phd in 2006

2- I held the title of Professor in 2014 in nuclear Physics

3-  Completed under my supervision 24 PhD students and 34 MSc. students from various universities in Iraq and participated in more than 100 scientific discussions as a chair or member of a discussion committee in various universities in Iraq.

4- I have 66 published papers, of which 32 are in the international collections Scopus, including paper published in Nature.

5-  Chancellor of Al-Ayen Iraqi University (AUIQ University)

6- I received many awards and honors, the most important of which is the second ranked for the Prince of Kuwait International Award for Inventors, along with my colleague Prof. Dr. Mahdi Hadi and master's student Naseer Ahmed.

7-  Key note Speaker in many conferences.

The most important positions I held are

a. I held the position of Registrar for the College of Science, University of Baghdad, from 2006 to 2010

B. Deputy Dean for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Student Affairs at the College of Science, University of Baghdad, from 2010 to 2014

c. Scientific Vice Chancellor of Al-Mustansiriya University in 2014

D. Scientific Vice Chancellor and in the same time the dean of the college of Remote Sensing and Geophysics at Al-Karkh University of Science from its founding in 2014 to the end of 2017

H. Vice Chancellor of Al Ayen University from 2018 to 2020, and the Chancellor of Al Ayen University from 2020 till now.

F. I was a chairman and member of a committee in many universities and ministerial committees, the most important of which was a member of the Certificate Equivalency Committee for theoretical and Applied Physical Sciences in the Department of Scholarships and Cultural Relations for a period of 3 years.



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