Inauguration ceremony of the refereeing training class Asian Category C
2021 Jun 30

The College of Physical Education and Sport Science in cooperation with Student Activities Department and the Iraqi Central Federation for football held a refereeing training course for Asian Category C under the Sponsorship of the Respected President of the University Prof. Dr. Shafeeq for the period December 21-22, 2020. At the Conference hall and the stadium of the University in presence of the chairman of the Asian Federation Dr. Safa Sahib Naeif, his associates lecturers, international referees, National team players and elite athletes  and academics who held advanced certificates.

The head of the students activities department Dr. Tuama, said ((holding this class which is considered the unique of its kind in Thi-Qar Province, aims to serve the sport and the athletes in the Province and to keep pace with the rapid development in the game)). He also emphasized  the University intention to cooperate with all professional sport associations to help develop the capabilities of the university training staff and students   

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