The Chancellor of Al-Ayen Iraqi University conducts a field tour of the university's colleges and departments.
2025 Mar 25

On Tuesday, March 25, 2025, the Chancellor of Al-Ayen Iraqi University, Asst. Prof. Dr. Haider A. Marhoon conducted a field tour of the university's colleges and departments. He was accompanied during the tour by his Deputy for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Naseer A. Hussein, and the Head of the Department of Academic Affairs Asst. Prof. Dr. Muthim T. Qasim. In addition to the Dean of the College of Law Asst. Prof. Dr. Khaled K. Odeh, and the Dean of the College of Education Prof. Dr. Hussein B. Marhoon. The tour included direct meetings with students, during which he listened to their inquiries and demands. He also discussed with the deans of the colleges ways to enhance the quality of education by providing necessary supplies. This tour is part of a series of field visits organized by the University Chancellor Asst. Prof. Dr. Haider A. Marhoon, with the aim of strengthening direct communication between the university presidency and students and as part of the ongoing efforts to achieve the university's strategic goals.

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