About the Student Affairs
2021 Aug 13

The Department of Students Affairs and Authentication is one the essential departments at Al-Ayen University hierarchy, since it associates with the main axis of the University's concerns i.e. the Students and the graduates. This department has been improving in the fields of organization and activities over the period of its establishment. It contains several divisions: (a separate division for registration of primary studies for each college of Dentistry, Pharmacy, Oil Engineering, Health and Medical Technology, Physical Education and Sport Science, besides the division of documents and certificates and the division of personalities and administrative). The department is associated with the Vice-Chancellor for Scientific Affairs. 


Admission plan:

Medicine: 150 students

Dentistry - 150 students

Pharmacy _ 250 students


Oil Engineering - 150 students

Medical Device Engineering - 250 students

Computer Technologies Engineering - 250 Students

College of Health and Medical Technologies -

Department of Anesthesia: 350 students

Department of Dental Industry: 150 students

Opticianry  department: 250 students

Department of Radiology and Ultrasound: 350 students

Department of Medical laboratories: 350 students

Physical Education and Sports Sciences: 150 students

Number Of Visitors Today : 3591 Visitor
Total Number Of Visitors : 1847616 Visitor