The scout team of Al-Ayan Iraqi University has completed a smart stick device for people with disabilities.
2025 Feb 02

The scout team of Al-Ayen Iraqi University has completed a smart stick device for people with disabilities to participate in the University Creativity and Sustainability Challenge (male and female students), which serves an important segment of society, people with disabilities, due to its humanitarian impact and great benefit.  

The Director of the Student Activities Department Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussein M. Tauma, said that "the scout team consisting of a scout leader and five members completed the smart stick device (Arduino Uno), indicating that "the smart stick comes as a proposed solution to enable people with disabilities who have difficulty detecting obstacles and dangers in front of them while walking, as the smart stick issues an audible warning when there is an obstacle 50 cm or more away from the stick as needed, allowing people with disabilities to avoid it before colliding. 

He stressed that "this project is for commercial companies to produce numbers of it, as the team's goal was to provide a smart stick at reasonable prices suitable for people with disabilities.

He pointed out that "the team presented a model to a number of people who expressed that the stick will greatly help them in overcoming the obstacles they face during their movement, especially among them who are school students and others who need to move to work.

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