The Department of Health Physics and Radiotherapy Engineering Technology organizes an introductory workshop on the Bologna Process system.
2025 Jan 09

As part of its efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 4: Ensure Quality Education)

As part of the efforts of the College of Engineering Technology at Al-Ayen Iraqi University to apply the standards of technical engineering accreditation and enhance students' awareness of the curricula and their components, the Department of Health Physics and Radiotherapy Engineering Technology at the College organized an introductory workshop entitled "Bologna Process". The workshop was presented by the Head of the Department Dr. Maher Ibrahim, in the presence of the Deputy Dean for Scientific Affairs Asst. Prof. Dr. Raed N. Al-Obaidi, and members of the teaching staff.

The workshop included a detailed explanation of the vision, mission, and goals of the department, which aims to qualify students to become specialized engineers in the field of health physics and radiotherapy. The importance of this specialization in the health and technical sectors and its vital and developing role in society were clarified.

The presentation included an overview of the curriculum, where Dr. Maher explained the number of study units, their content, and the method of distributing materials to the academic stages.  He also explained the duration of the study and the importance of each subject in building students' academic and practical skills.

A large part of the workshop was devoted to introducing the student platform for the Bologna Path system. Dr. Maher reviewed the steps for logging into the platform and how to use it, pointing out the ways to navigate between the different interfaces, display details of the study materials, and the mechanism for student registration for the materials, in addition to monitoring attendance and grades.

The workshop concluded with an interactive discussion session, during which students had the opportunity to ask their questions and inquiries about the new system and the curriculum.

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