Al-Ayen University pays a visit to the Elderly Home in Thi Qar Province
2021 Jun 15

A delegation from Oil Engineering College in cooperation with the Students Affairs Department visited the Elderly Home in Thi Qar Province. The purpose of the visit was to bring joy and happiness  to the elderly and build bridges of communication with them  and to encourage the youth to honor their parents and take care of them

The delegation included the inspector at the oil engineering college Dr. Murtada Dugaim Abdullah and the manager of the Students Affairs Department Dr. Hussein Mohaibis Tuama and the Inspector at the Oil Engineering College Assistant Lecturer Worood Muhammed Jabbar and a number of students.

Dr. Tuama affirmed that the objective of this visit was to practice the university role in communicating with the community and to elevate the spirit of the elderly. Dr. Murtada said that this visit wasn't the first one. He added, when we first met the elderly they were full of sense and received us with a big smile.

The meeting was first held at the meeting hall, then the elderly took the delegation in a tour inside the home.

Lecturer Worood, declared that these humanitarian charity activities are part of our duties for the elderly that we are proud of.  This is to give them the feeling that they have people who care about them to instill the spirit of optimism and not despair of life and promote their morale

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