The College of Education holds a workshop on the electronic absence system.
2024 Nov 13

The College of Education at Al-Ayen Iraqi University held a training workshop on Wednesday, November 13, 2024, on the “Electronic Absence System”, which was lectured by Eng. Hammam H. Jassim from Thi Qar University. The workshop aimed to raise awareness among academic and administrative staff of the importance of using modern technology in managing and recording student attendance and absence electronically.

The workshop included a detailed explanation of the mechanism of the new electronic system and how to use it to improve attendance management, in addition to simplifying follow-up procedures and reducing errors resulting from traditional paper systems. Prof. Hammam H. Jassim explained the importance of this system in enhancing academic efficiency, saving time and effort, by recording absences directly and immediately, which allows faculty members and administrative stagg to follow up on students easily.

The workshop also presented practical experiences on how to use the system, in addition to answering attendees’ inquiries about the system’s features and tools, and providing practical guidance to help activate this system efficiently in the various departments of the college.

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