The College of Pharmacy organizes a scientific trip to Al-Afrah Pharmaceutical Industries Company in the capital, Baghdad.
2024 Nov 13

University Media / Muhammad Sabah

The College of Pharmacy at Al-Ayen Iraqi University organized a scientific trip to Al-Afrah Pharmaceutical Industries Company in the capital, Baghdad, for the college students to learn about the important parts of the factory, such as quality control laboratories, production lines for pills and ointments, and the new building for producing antibiotics.

The students received a detailed explanation of the manufacturing processes and laboratory methods used in analyzing the produced drugs according to international pharmacopeias. The tour also included scientific interventions and questions from the students that combined what they had actually studied and seen during their tour of the factory.

This initiative is part of what the college seeks to build bridges that bring the students closer to each other in a positive atmosphere that makes them feel proud of their college and their teaching staff. At the end of this scientific experience, the students expressed their thanks to everyone who contributed to its success, hoping to repeat it in the future.

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