First-year students in mathematics presentations.
2024 Jan 29

College media |  Eng. Hassan Khudair

 In prosess of the continuous efforts that advance scientific progress in the College of Engineering Technology, in order to support the program of accreditation standards and improving teaching and learning methods, the students of the Department of Medical Device Technologies, first stage, presented a scientific lecture in the subject of differential mathematics, under the supervision of Dr. Ismail Y. Shaaban.

 The lecture included presenting various theories, laws, and issues in differentiation by defining them orally and then moving on to the practical side by solving a series of illustrative mathematical problems by the students. The group was formed of four students who moved smoothly and explained among themselves.  It is considered an experience that is added to their academic balance, from creating scientific material to speaking and learning.

 The lecture concluded by receiving a number of questions from the attending students and the subject professor as part of a scientific discussion that demonstrated the extent of the student’s ability to convey the idea in a sober manner. Dr. Ismail added that the purpose of making these presentations was to train the students to study the subject correctly and develop their strength of character and ability to deliver, in addition to broadcasting the spirit of cooperation by each group.

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