First stage students offer presentations.
2024 Jan 17

The college media|  Eng. Hassan Khudair

 The first stage students of the College of Engineering Technology conducted presentations in the presence of the Deputy Dean for Scientific Affairs, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raed N. Al-Obaidi, and the Head of the Computer Technology Engineering Department Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ghadeer I. Madi. That was supervised by Assoc. Lect. Razzaq Mahdi and Eng. Atiaf H. Khashan.

 Within the standards for program accreditation, the college strengthened the standard for student activities. The college conducted presentations for students which varied on various topics, including computer components, computer generations, office programs, and electrical and digital circuits.  This event included a scientific discussion to expand horizons and perceptions at the level of single information.This was done in the form of groups of students who discussed the presentations presented in an organized manner, which provided the opportunity for the students to present their questions and inquiries about the topics presented in a unique experience that would be added to the outcome of their academic output.

 In conclusion, the students received questions from the audience from the Deanship of the College and the Department Headship within a scientific discussion panel about the outcomes of the activity, where the students gained a different academic experience within the method of presentation and discussion that reinforced in themselves the concepts of research and successful scientific reasoning.

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