Students from the Computer Technology Engineering Department design an alarm device.
2024 Apr 03

College media | Eng. Hassan Khudair

 In support of the requirements of the program accreditation standards (Third Standard: Educational Program Outcomes) and in the presence of the Deputy Dean for Scientific Affairs, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raed N. Al-Obaidi, and the Head of the Department Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ghadeer I. Madi, a number of first-year students / Computer Technology Engineering Department presented a project of designing a laser-based alarm device within engineering workshops.

 The presentation included a detailed explanation about the components of the project, which student Abdul Rasoul Nusair called “Anti-theft laser sensor device,” mentioning the purpose of its use and the internal map of the device, in addition to the method of using it. The initial design model of the device can be developed to manage public and private institutions such as museums, banks, and other institutions that need a robust security system.

 At the end of the lecture, Dr. Ghadeer Madi and the professors supervising the work praised the project prepared by the students and recommended the necessity of developing such activities for the purpose of improving the students’ practical level. He indicated the full support of our college and the scientific departments for this type of activity.

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