Second Goal

Supporting goals


Achievement Mechanism

 Al-Ayen University serves the Global SDG

Quality of University Education

Improving student satisfaction and increasing their confidence in the quality of university education  

  • The quality of educational processes by all means.
  • Continuing mastery in educational outcomes to suit the labor market.

  • Supporting scientific programs, activities and competitions.

  • Providing good educational service that meets students’ needs and expectations.

  • Aiming to support 2+2 or 3+1 global teaching program initiatives with international universities.

  • Constructive twinning (internally, externally)

  • Establishing specialized centers (regional or global cooperation).

  • Academic Forum for Iraqi Teachers (internally and externally).

  • Al-Ayen specialized magazines.

  • Launching scientific cultural programs such as the My Scientific Family Program and the Specialized Personality Program.

Ethics of the Academic Teaching Profession  

Highlighting the ethics of the university teaching and its impact on education and pedagogical

  • Promoting integrity, transparency, and moral values that drive achieving the best in any institutional work characterized by quality and uniqueness.
  • Determine the strategy for the university teaching profession.
  • Writing applicable university teaching profession charter.
  • Publish codes of conduct for the higher education profession.
  • Providing lectures and workshops on educational guidance

Scientific Research

Supporting academic and applied research

  • Establishing a scientific research fund.
  • Research cooperation with state institutions and sectors.
  • Establishing global research groups through twinning.
  • Sponsoring scientific research in national priority areas (agriculture, water rationing, clean energy).
  • The first year initiative to participate in Al-Ayen University magazines.
  • Holding specialized conferences annually
  • Establishment of the Scientific Research Institute - Al-Ayen University
  • Completing the requirements of Al-Ayen Research Center

Global Ranking

Improving the teaching and scientific research and upgrading the quality of university education outcomes

  • Complete all requirements to enter the global ranking through the division.
  • Activating the Rehabilitation and Employment Division
  • Attracting foreign teaching staff
  • Developing the Media Division (promotion, university platform, university website)
  • Paying attention to the axes of the SDG
  • Conduct a study so that Iraq has its own classification to match many countries worldwide

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