Sixth Goal

Supporting goals


Achievement Mechanism

Determine appropriate performance indicators (KPI) to measure the implementation and quality of the strategy

Student performance indicators

Follow up on student satisfaction and academic level

  • Preparing a quarterly questionnaire for students that includes relevant topics
  • Preparing a quarterly questionnaire for teachers to express their opinions about the level of students
  • Follow up on students’ results and performance in the classroom

University academic performance indicators

Following up on the performance of teaching staff and their satisfaction with the Institution

  • Approval of the Ministerial Performance Evaluation Form
  • Preparing a questionnaire to be filled out by students regarding their academic opinion about teaching staff
  • Preparing a form to express the opinion of university leaders regarding the teaching staff
  • Preparing a form to be filled out by university academics to state their opinion and satisfaction with the university

Scientific Research Index.

Follow up on the development of the university’s scientific research.

  • Preparing a special form by the Scientific Assistant Department to follow up on the development of research publication in global indexes in terms of quantity and quality
  • Follow up on the university rank among other private and governmental universities and colleges
  • Following up on the development of the university’s Hirsch factor.
  • Pursuing the achievement of sustainable development goals via publishing and reviewing scientific research through the international Sphere Foundation
  • Follow up on the development of the FWCI parameter
  •  Field-Weighted Citation Impact

Institutional performance indicator

Monitoring the performance of the university as a whole

  • The national classification is adopted as the main indicator.

  • Global classifications are adopted as other indicators, such as the Shanghai Classification, the Times and QS Classifications with their details.

Community satisfaction index

Monitoring the university’s impact on its community

  • Preparing a questionnaire to measure community satisfaction on a quarterly basis

  • Holding an expanded symposium after the end of the academic year in which various segments of society are invited and the door to dialogue and discussion is opened.

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