Al-Ayen Iraqi University ranked third among Iraqi private universities for the year 2023.
2024 Dec 21

The Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announced the results of the classification of private universities on the Iraqi Science Day for the year 2023, where Al-Ayen Iraqi University (AUIQ) ranked third among private universities in Iraq, achieving a distinguished academic achievement that reflects the development of its academic and administrative performance.

This position came as the university implements its strategic plans through which it seeks to be at the forefront of advanced universities. In recent years, the university has shown remarkable development in its academic programs, in addition to developing its infrastructure to keep pace with the latest international educational standards, which is evidence of the continuous commitment to the improvement plan.

College of Engineering at Al-Ayen University.
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Vacancies - College of Dentistry.
Dentistry at Al-Ayen Iraqi University announces the availability of a number of job degrees for holders of a master’s or doctorate degree in a number of the specializations below,
Vacancies - College of Engineering.
The College of Engineering at Al-Ayen Iraqi University announces job degrees for holders of master’s or doctoral degrees in a number of specializations below, provided that the applicant is not employed or contracted in any Iraqi governmental or private institution. Interested candidates who meet the conditions can apply through the following link:
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